
Friday, February 21, 2014

Adventures in Rome

Started my day off by going to get my gel nails filled in. So I thought ...
I now know how to aggravate a Chinese woman who speaks Italian and zero English!!! She did a manicure,trim and paint , never got it thru to her what I wanted done. Oh well! It will have to do til I get back stateside. I wanted my brows waxed too,well the next lady didn't understand me either soooo this spoiled American went right to the torture chamber, as she slowly plucked them!! Ugh I can't stand that! Anyway lol..... Had to get me a new pair of shoes too and that was a fun task!!! Not.

I was determined to Find the Pantheon today and I did, but on the way I had to stop back at Trevi Fountain and throw my coin in !! I was in such awe that I forgot yesterday! 

Where I had my six euro cup of coffee.. holy cow was I MAD! mama Mia!! 
 (Which is like 10 US dollars!)

Inside I go

Tomb of Raphael 

Then I headed over to P'zza Novana, many street vendors , artists, music in this area and lots of souvenir kiosks. 

( no photos allowed inside oops!)
Inside ceiling

Then I got lost again lol but found these lil gems! 

USA!!!!  Made me smile :) 

Now, I kinda know where I am!! Fume Tevere aka Tiber river!  No where near where I was supposed to be... haha but I took it in stride and found this Castle! 
Piazza Del Tribunali

I sure wish herby would stop photo bombing my pictures!! ;) 
I made it to a Metro stop.... 
At the hostel, I cooked my dinner! 
Then Sarah (hostel house staff) made morrocan stew and gave me some. Yummy!! 
(She is half Morrocan and half Italian) 

More adventure tomorrow 

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